The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) has launched a campaign to convince Delta Air Lines' flight attendants to join its union, but several news stories that have reported on the union's effort are part of NewsGuild, which is part the same umbrella union as AFA-CWA.
The Minneapolis City Council passed a resolution in June to disband the police department to create a different model of public safety, the Center Square reported.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted a poll through Zogby Analytics and found that likely voters in Minnesota support reductions in immigration.
Amid President Donald Trump's trade war bailout subsidy to farmers, Minnesota Farm Bureau President Kevin Paap said the trade war has definitely affected Minnesota farmers, but the Marker Facilitation Payments (MFP) have helped keep farmers on their feet.
The National Education Association found that teachers in Minnesota had an average salary of $57,782 during the 2017-2018 school year, according to data the association compiled.