Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera Executive Director at Common Cause Minnesota | Official website
Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera Executive Director at Common Cause Minnesota | Official website
Common Cause Minnesota has voiced opposition to a proposed redistricting bill, HF550/SF824, urging legislators to reject it. The organization argues that the bill fails to alter who controls the redistricting process.
The proposal suggests that partisan leaders in the legislature would each appoint two members to a commission responsible for drawing new district maps. Current elected officials or "public" officials and their family members are excluded from serving on this commission.
Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera, executive director of Common Cause Minnesota, criticized the proposal: “These proposals will continue the partisan-led chaos we saw at the Capitol so far this year. We cannot allow partisan interests like party chairs, lobbyists, and those who center their own power, remain in charge of who draws our district lines. We need a people centered process, where more than just who can win the next elections is considered, and Minnesotans’ interests are put first.”