From gift wrap to discarded holiday trees and décor, Americans produce an extra million tons of garbage every week between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Here's what to do with your extra recycling this holiday season.
Minneapolis recycling customers: What to do with extra recycling
- Boxes that don’t fit in your recycling cart can go next to it in one large box or bundled together with string or twine (not wire or tape). Keep bundles to less than 3 feet by 3 feet and under 40 pounds so crews can lift them safely.
- Extra bottles and cans can go next to your recycling cart in cardboard boxes or paper bags. Recycling in or next to your cart in plastic bags will be disposed of as garbage.
- There's no charge for another recycling cart. Contact our office to request another cart if you regularly have more recycling that will fit in your cart or carts.
As you take out holiday decorations from storage and begin to transform your home, remember to keep tanglers such as holiday lights and electrical cords out of your recycling cart. Like plastic bags and hoses, these get wrapped around equipment at recycling sorting facilities. Crews have to shut down operations for two hours every day so workers can climb into the machinery to remove tanglers by hand.
You can recycle unwanted cords and string lights at Hennepin County drop-off facilities or other holiday light recycling locations.
Still don’t know what to do? Search the City’s disposal guide or post your question to the Facebook group.
Original source can be found here.